About Me

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I'm in my early twenties and newly married. I feel like I'm just starting my life and I'm excited about the future and the goals I can't wait to accomplish. You're welcome to read my silly ramblings and get a peek into my heart : )

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Spring cleaning!

Since It's not spring yet, I guess it was a little early for spring cleaning. But with the snow melting and the sun giving off such a warmth, it inspired me to give the little apartment a much more thorough cleaning then I usually give it. I paid much more attention to the little nook and crannies that always give a hearty welcome to dust accumulation. The glass sliding door that opens onto the patio was given quite the shine. Now it lets the sunlight light in without it looking so dull and sad. The couches weren't forgotten; they were spruced up and shined with a few handy leather wipes. And of course the bed sheets were cleaned making them smell as fresh as spring itself.
I know the weather inspired me to clean but it was also in preparation for Matt's return. He comes home tomorrow! Being busy with cleaning and planning the menu for this weekend helped make the day disappear.
So here I am. At the end of the day, about to enjoy a cup of hot cocoa in my favorite hot cocoa mug, and finish the book I've been reading so I can finally start "A Boy in the Striped Pajamas." Pray that Matt gets home safely. : )


  1. aaawww... you're such a wonderful wifey =]]

    you've inspired me to start (trying) to clean as well lol... no promises that it'll turn out as clean as YOUR bungalo though lol

    I love you =]]

    and you know im praying for him =]

  2. prayed for him this morning. what a wonderful homecoming you have planned for him...love the moth orchid!
