About Me

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I'm in my early twenties and newly married. I feel like I'm just starting my life and I'm excited about the future and the goals I can't wait to accomplish. You're welcome to read my silly ramblings and get a peek into my heart : )

Monday, April 27, 2009

Can't wait to move!

Photobucket There's a 99.9% chance that we'll be living in Independence Hall on the top floor in a sweet little apartment. It's right in Princess Anne around multiple historic buildings. I'm pretty excited and I think it will be a nice experience to live there for a year or two. I'm probably more excited about getting home and reconnecting with all my friends and family again. Boy, have I missed them. : )

"If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day, so I never have to live without you."
-Winnie The Pooh-


  1. aaaawww, im so excited for you two!! this place is ADORABLE... heck, i'd live in there if i could =]

    im glad you're going to be moving somewhere you love, and daggon, we all miss you too!!
